Vincent Henry - Food Coordinator
There are many people here at New Beginnings that help keep the work of our mission going forward. We are starting a monthly spotlight to recognize the hard work that these individuals put in day in and day out to help accomplish that mission.
This month we want to spotlight our Food Coordinator, Vincent Henry. Vincent does an excellent job at managing the very large task of handling the resources that we are able to steward through our food program. Our food program not only helps provide most of the food needs of our campus houses, but also helps provide food assistance to several area foster families and supplies food to several other ministries that feed the homeless and others that are face food insecurity in the NWA area.
To give you an idea, last year New Beginning Youth Homes brought in 190,757 lbs of food and 3,203 lbs of non food donations. We sent out 13,284 lbs of food to foster families and sent 103,534 lbs of food to other ministries and food pantries!. That's a lot of food!
We are blessed to have Vincent taking the lead in this huge area of ministry for NBYH and thankful for his dedication and hard work!